Vincent Petro Photography

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Photo of the Month | February 2021

1/2 sec., F/11, 33mm, ISO 64 - 3 Shot Focus Stack

Just as I had lost all hope for true winter conditions to hit Michigan, in February winter struck back, bringing tons of snow and freezing temperatures. These conditions were enough to form ice on the Great Lakes and freeze over many of the lighthouses that call these waters home. I knew these conditions would be fleeting, so I escaped over to Lake Michigan to capture the beautiful scenery.

This my last morning at the lighthouse, and I was determined to make the most of it. The forecast was looking promising for sunrise, predicting the sun would actually make an appearance. I arrived with plenty of time to frame up some compositions I had scouted the day before. With my trusty micro-spikes attached to my boots, I ventured out onto the somewhat treacherous ice-covered shoreline. I took my time crossing the snow and ice until I arrived at the edge of the ice cliffs where they meet the water.

Luckily the wind that night had shifted, bringing in a large flow of ice from another part of the lake, which got jammed up against the wave break and the shore, which provided an extra level of interest to the scene. After some time on the cliffs, I framed up a shot using the foreground ice cliffs as an element to bring the viewer’s eye into the image. I tried framing up the edge of the cliff to make it looks as though it is pointing to the lighthouse in the distance.

As sunrise approached, and my composition ready, I simply waited for the light, taking in the sights from a special morning out with the camera. About 15 minutes before sunrise, a vibrant pink and magenta hue filled the sky on the horizon. This was exactly the kind of light I was hoping for, the beautiful magenta colors contrast so nicely with the cool tones of the foreground ice. I took shot after shot was the light changed throughout the morning. Eventually, the light became too strong and harsh, so I called it a day and made my way back off the ice.

Of all the different images I took that morning, the photos with the pink and magenta hue in the sky were my favorite. The contrasting colors bring a sense of calm with it which best represents how I felt standing on the edge of the ice that cold winter’s morning.

Though it seems winter is coming to a close, I’m looking forward to what spring will have to offer. I’m excited to see the forest come alive again, bringing with it bright colors and the returning wildlife from their time spent in warmer weather.