Vincent Petro Photography

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Photo of the Month | December 2020

“Ready for the Morning” - 1/800 sec., F/5.6, 500mm, ISO 3200

As the year winds down to a close, I have one final photo of the month to share. The above photo is a simple shot of one of the most common birds I see on my hikes out in nature, the Tufted titmouse. The small, curious little bird is never shy to come say hello, especially during the winter months.

On this particular morning, I was slowly walking down one of my favorite hiking trails when I came across a tree branch tree that a small group of birds kept using as a perch. So, I carefully stepped over to get a better angle of the perch, and stood and waited for the perfect moment to capture a photo of these birds. Not after long this Tufted titmouse made a couple of rounds of landing on the perch, jumping to the group, and flying back up onto the perch. I took this short opportunity to take as many photos as I could and I walked away with a photo that I believe some great potential.

I plan to return to this particular tree branch in the coming weeks to see what other birds I capture perched in the cold winter air.